Navigating manufacturer programs

Navigating manufacturer programs

Manufacturer ASR Parts Programs are typically advertised to dealerships as a way to achieve higher levels of service and potentially higher profits with the promise of less work for parts management. Some manufacturer programs guarantee the return-ability of suggested...
The obsolescence domino effect

The obsolescence domino effect

Every parts operation deals with obsolescence, and while there any many great strategies for discarding already accumulated obsolescence, there’s no cure quite like prevention. Even now, there are parts in your inventory that don’t meet stocking criteria and are...
The importance of parts education

The importance of parts education

While our main offering is a parts inventory management and optimization tool, one of our other core missions is to provide free helpful, accessible,  and ongoing parts education to all operations and individuals in our business. After working within the parts...
How to improve your fill rate 

How to improve your fill rate 

Successful parts Inventory management is a delicate balance of having all the parts you need without overstocking and holding onto obsolete parts. Your fill rate can be a fantastic indicator of whether your inventory has enough width in the right areas to support a...
Mastering special orders

Mastering special orders

As we recently discussed, idle inventory is trending up for almost all dealerships and manufacturers. Special orders can be one of the biggest contributors to an increase in stock you don’t need taking up shelf space and undermining your overall inventory health and...
The idle inventory trend

The idle inventory trend

In our work with the parts inventories of hundreds of dealerships across the country, we’ve gained valuable insight into industry-wide trends and their causes. For quite some time, the average for non-manufacturer guaranteed obsolescence hovered around 10-12%, but in...